Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Storm in tea cup

Sometimes back I was reading an article by Jayati Ghosh in Hindu about so called education gurantee scheme. She asked a simple question when we buy something from market with word "guarantee" it means a minimum level of performance and quality is assured failing which consumer can have redressal.
So in all this government scheme purporting "guarantee" where is the quality ???
A corollary of this argument is that when you are underpaying for some good or one who provides the goos is constrained to give good to you then you have to keep up with poor quality. So when government provides you with cheap education or health care or transport don't compare it with private sector so goes the argument.But there must be a minimum level defined otherwise it is completely at discretion of service provider as he can always take cover of this argument that he is providing things at discount or he is already suffering losses.
Other thing is even if they charge same as private secotr fellows or any one else are they really capable of providing same quality ?? Is not this just an argument to hide their own inefficiency.

Something similar has been brewing up here in my college , one of the finest educational institutes in country !!!
It's fun to watch idelaistic world being torn apart.
It is more fun to see when both sides not behaving ethically in their dealings demand other side to be ethical.
it is still more fun when they use arguments of "sentiment" and "professionalism" as & when suits them

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